Wednesday, July 15, 2009


did you ever feel alone in a room filled with people? or when there's a party going on you may feel you're on the outside looking in? what about not being picked on a sports team in school? maybe you were overlooked for a promotion? ever have days like that?
i know you may not believe it, but everyone experiences some form of rejection at least once in their lifetime...
and yes, it's a painful feeling thinking no one cares about you or recognizes your gifts or talents.
but maybe this is not really rejection as you know it.
can you for a moment stop and consider it may not be others who are rejecting you , but maybe you're rejecting yourself, simply by not seeing your "true" self-worth?
the truth my friend is , you have been duped! you have believed an age old lie......
you see, what's behind all of this rejection is fear ! fear lies and tells you no one cares about you, you're not good enough, you don't fit in, you have no friends, you're not pretty enough, talented enough......are you getting my point?
well it's time to take that fear and turn it in for some good old fashioned truth!
don't let fear whip you and tear you down......take that fear and make it bow it's knee and come under subjection to the truth!!! and the truth is that you are worthy to be a vital part of life and you were called to be planted in a strategic place... did you know you are worth more than silver or gold in the eyes of your creator? anything other than that is a nasty lie....
listen, we all have areas that need work, but focusing on the down side only brings bad results! focus on the good things about yourself!
see yourself as one who is a victor! one who can take on a challenge and jump over it like deer who's feet can take them through rocky mountains!
come on, we all face challenges in life, why not refocus and see yourself as the one who wins instead of loses? you can do it!! anyone can, you just have to decide you want to sprint to the finish line! remember, if you're going to run the race, it's just a matter of giving it your best shot......that's what really counts. truth be told, we're all winners to someone!
so why not take a stand and see yourself strong and courageous? just look fear and rejection in the eye and tell them they have to find another resting place because you're evicting them!!! hang up the"no vacancy"sign and tell those losers you've just rented their room to a winner!!!
oh! one last thing, don't forget to thank your creator for who you are and how you were made, after all, you're perfect in the sight of the master seriously ask yourself, who's opinion really matters most? doesn't the potter love his creation more than anything? then, why not take his hand and celebrate with him and be happy for who you were created to be?
come on.......let's turn up the music and do the victory dance together!

Monday, July 13, 2009


today can be a day of wonders if you'll let it......has it been raining in your world more than you like? did you know even the darkest clouds in the sky can have a small speck of light if you let your eyes adjust and focus right?.....when you see the dark clouds forming overhead, don't fret that you're hair will frizz or your make-up will run if drenched by a heavenly downpour.....

if rain is inevitable, then why not look straight up, find that little speck where it's brighter and smile? so what if your hair frizzes? so what if your make-up gets smudged or your suit get's water stains.....think for a what if your outside gets a little that really who you are? the outside doesn't declare who you know that's not the real you!
look deeper than the outside my friend.....what you're made of comes from within....
do you feel like you've lost who you are in the rains of life? or maybe you got "smudged" through those storms?
why not let the rain from heaven pour out and wash away those things you think you're made of, and let the purifying rain saturate and fill you with all you need on the inside! then you will see who you really are and become who you were created to be!
there's nothing like a good infilling of rain from heaven! so throw away your umbrella and go dancing and singing in a heavy downpour!
hmmm, i think i hear the sound of rain!!
come on.... let's go get soaked!!!


children's eyes

My photo
i took one look at Him with children's eyes~~it's the only way to see my Master in truth for who He is. you will fall in love with Him ~~~He is captivating, and He will captivate you too with one glance, when you look into His eyes...His eyes speak, they show His heart, a heart of unconditional love that never ends....take a peek, you'll never be the same~~~