Thursday, March 26, 2009

Saturday, March 7, 2009

in a day of unsettledness, people are scattering to and fro wondering where to go~~~many run here and there, seeking a place to rest. but where is rest? is it in a place to go, a place to run off to, a place to gather with friends or loved ones? i think not, though they can be places to find rest for a moment, what about real rest? rest for the weary, rest for your soul?it's in that place where the Master is found~~the Master of all the universe, the Great One, the Only One, the One who is the first and the last, the One who is in love with you and who cares about you and everything you do. seek His rest. find Him in a quiet moment as you escape the hustle and bustle of the day. seek Him and He shall be found, not in the wind, not in the rain, but in the quiet place in your soul where the emptiness needs filling....He's there, just glance into His eyes, feel His warm arms around's in the silence...He's there, He's waiting, He's looking at you now. He's in love with you, you're His masterpiece. He created you with a touch of His love coming from His heart. He yearns for you to see Him as He is and for who He is.....will you gaze into His eyes for a moment? will you linger in His presence as He beckons the call to fall in love with Him? yes, my friend, He loves you with all that is within Him, inspite of what you may have done, or who others think you are....He loves YOU, it's that simple......take a moment and be still and in the quiet nothingness , hear Him whisper "I love you"~~~~~~~~~~

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children's eyes

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i took one look at Him with children's eyes~~it's the only way to see my Master in truth for who He is. you will fall in love with Him ~~~He is captivating, and He will captivate you too with one glance, when you look into His eyes...His eyes speak, they show His heart, a heart of unconditional love that never ends....take a peek, you'll never be the same~~~